Insurance and Billing
Payment is expected at the time of your visit. We will accept cash, check, or credit card. Payment will include any unmet deductible, co-insurance, co-payment amount, or non-covered charges from your insurance company. If you do not have insurance, payment in full is expected at the time of your visit.
Returned Checks
A $25 fee will be assessed to your account for each returned check. This fee and the original check amount must be paid in full with cash, credit card, or money order prior to your next appointment. After receiving two (2) returned checks, we will no longer accept checks as a method of payment.

For Patients With Insurance
If we are members of your insurance group, we will bill the insurance carrier for payment to come directly to us. You will be responsible for co-payments, deductibles, and co-insurance only. All co-payments and deductibles are due and payable when service is provided.
If we are not members of your insurance group, we will bill most insurance carriers for you if the proper paperwork is provided to us. We will also bill most secondary insurance companies for you. Payment for these claims will come directly to us. If our office can be of any assistance with your insurance carrier, please let us know.
Medicare Patients
Our office accepts Medicare assignments. We will also bill secondary insurance for you. All co-payments and deductibles are due and payable when service is provided.
Non-covered Services
Any care not paid for by your existing insurance coverage will require payment in full at the time services are provided or upon notice of insurance claim denial.